Letting go…creating space for new things to come…Yoga off the mat

So yesterday, we sold the family car, the Volvo wagon we’d had for 17 years.  The car that carried our kids and dogs to and from school everyday while we consumed the morning bagels and the afternoon snacks; the wagon that carried countless companions and teammates to various events and soccer tournaments; where things got real with spontaneous revelations and coming-of-age conversations; transporting us on family adventures and vacations; it carried hundreds of bags of groceries, household supplies and us through miles and miles of life…

And as I stood in the kitchen after watching my husband seemingly drive it away with all of our family memories, I felt my feet grounding into the floor and I suddenly understood at a deep gut level, the process of letting go...and at the same time, a sensation of spaciousness began unwinding in the center of my being, a curious opening...a welcoming of what was to come...


Spring Newsletter 2021


The Pharm Podcast - Yoga for Larger Bodies with Lisa Feeney