Frequently Asked Questions


Where do you teach classes?

For a current list of classes (both virtual and in-person), click here.

Do you offer online classes?

Yes, we currently offer live streaming classes via Zoom (click here for our current schedule) and have plans to develop a library of video-on-demand classes in the future. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified when those classes are available.

How much do your classes cost?

Prices for classes vary depending on the type of class and the location. Click here to see a list of classes we are currently offering and to register. And your first class is free!

I’m not very flexible/out of shape/in a larger body/don’t want to have to get up and down off the floor/not as young as I used to be. Can I still do yoga?

As one of our favorite teachers likes to say, “If you can breathe, you can do yoga.” We truly believe that yoga is for EVERY body, and we strive to make our classes as welcoming and accessible as we can. By offering props and options for all physical poses and empowering students to listen to their own bodies, we believe that everyone can enjoy the benefits of this wellness practice.

What props do you use in your classes? What if I don’t have them?

We use a variety of props, including chairs, blocks, straps, bolsters, blankets, and walls. There are substitutions that can be used for traditional “yoga props” about which we can advise you. We also have a limited amount of props for use during class or for purchase.

None of your classes work with my schedule. Can you add a class that works for me?

We’re happy to add additional classes to our schedule if we can get at least four students to commit to a time and location that works for everyone. Click here to contact us so we can get started!

Can I book a private lesson with you?

Absolutely! Click here to contact us for an appointment.

I’m not sure which class is best for me. Can you recommend a class?

We’d love to chat with you! We offer a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your needs, fitness level, prior yoga experience, and to support you in making your yoga practice uniquely accessible to your body. Click here to contact us.